22nd December 2024

Search Measham Parish Council

Serving the people of Measham

Play Areas

The council own or maintain 5 play areas in the village, and the skate park, all of them are visually inspected by council employees Monday to Friday each week with a written report once per week.

Each year a full inspection is carried out by an independent company through ROSPA, if there are any problems highlighted in the report we respond to them accordingly.

If we do suffer from vandalism and litter, this is cleared away as soon as is practicably reasonable.

We believe that children need and want to take risks when they play. Play provision aims to respond to these needs and wishes by offering children stimulating, challenging environments for exploring and developing their abilities. In doing this, play provision aims to manage the level of risk so that children are not exposed to unacceptable risks of death or serious injury.

New Street

The land that this play area sits on belongs to North West Leicestershire District Council and sits on what was previously local authority houses.

The play area is aimed at younger children and was refurbished just a few years ago. There is no parking available at this site.

Greenfield Road

This play area was originally installed by the developers when the estate was built. The council has refurbished it since.

Bosworth Road

This recreation ground belongs to the council and has been developed a number of times over the years. The rec is aimed predominantly at 8 years and up with the most recent addition of the skate park.


A council owned piece of land which has been improved by the addition of an all weather area and trim trial in recent years. This area is aimed at all ages.

Dysons Close

The land is owned by North West Leicestershire District Council and the play area was the idea of the residents association at the time. They put the scheme together, sought the funding and oversaw construction. The equipment was then handed over to the council to maintain. The age range for the equipment is for under 8's.

Inspection Information

RoSPA inspections are an independent safety assessment of the playground and equipment and are produced for RoSPA by:

PlaySafety Limited
The Old Barn
Wicklesham Lodge


Copies of latest inspection reports are available on request.

Last updated: Fri, 18 Feb 2022 10:21