27th September 2024

Search Measham Parish Council

Serving the people of Measham



The Cemetery as we know it today came into existence in 1882 when the burial board which was (formed in 1880 due to the need for more burial space the church yard being over used at the time).

Minutes in August 1881 are quoted as a meeting was duly convened for the purpose of approving the proposed purchase by the burial board of the said Parish of Measham of a close, or piece of land, fronting the Bosworth Road in Measham and called, or known by the name of Great Shacklands owned by the Baron Donington and occupied at the time by Mr Joseph Fletcher the minutes go on to quote contains two acres or thereabouts and the site of which was duly approved by the secretary of state on the 1st day of July and to authorise the payment out of the POOR RATE of the said Parish of the expenses incurred in providing laying out and fencing the burial ground, and erecting a lodge and other such buildings as may be necessary for a sum not exceeding £1900 and also be to sanction the borrowing by the said Burial Board of the money required from the corporation called the London Assurance and to change the future Poor Rate with the replacement of such money and interest to be repaid by 30 equal yearly payments.

The proposal was duly accepted and a memorial received from the right honourable The Lords Commissioners of her Majesty's Treasury for their approval of the loan of £1900.

In 1895 the cemetery became the responsibility of the Parish Council with the lodge being built by Mr John Hair of Gresley for £501-16-0 (the lowest of 14 tenders) and completed in August 1892. The boundary wall was built by Mr George Smith who also built a number of nearby houses at the top of Bosworth Road.

Reprinted with kind permission from the History Group Measham.

Last updated: Tue, 18 Apr 2023 09:40